Conflict Management series
Conflict 4 part series
Abstract: This four-part series deals with conflict and
conflict resolution and management in an entirely new
way. It is appropriate for both personal and
professional use, for technical and management
professionals, in industry and government. It is
both prevention and correction based.
FREE PREVIEW: A FREE WEBinar summarizing all
4 parts of this series was conducted on Sep 26, 1 pm
EDT. To view, click
Part 1
Part 1 will have you self-assess whether your conflict situation is chiefly an attitude challenge (simply difficult), a conflict challenge (strategically difficult), or a facilitation challenge
("situationally" difficult).
Then, we will fully describe the Conflict Flowchart. This flowchart shows the path of a "damager" on the left and a "manager" on the right. The less desirable left hand side describes the path of overt and covert control, power struggles, blame, victimhood, and compliance. The more positive right hand side depicts the desire to learn and reflect, be part of a team, taking the more peaceful path of being a healer rather than a hurter.
Part 2
Part 2 divides conflict into 52 subcategories.
Participants will self-select subcategories that
they either fall into or have seen in
others. Based on participant responses, more
details will be provided for each selected
subcategory, including solutions.
Special indexing methods and a pseudo
"artificial intelligence" powerpoint
indexing model of clarifications and solutions
facilitates the process. This model can be
used to identify future problems as well as
participant-selected issues.
Part 3
Part 3 exhibits the R.I.D. model (Recognize,
Identify, and Deflect) for
conflict. The steps within this simple
acronym (Get R.I.D. of Conflict) give you a
pathway to minimize, correct, or prevent conflict.
Then, we describe in depth Gregory Bateson's model of Logical
Levels. This model (Identity, Belief,
Capability, Behavior, Environment) often shows
mismatched "levels" when conflict
escalates. Procedures are introduced for
diagnosing levels in operation during conflict,
matching levels, and working your way down
maintaining rapport and matching as you go.
Part 4
Part 4 shows quick techniques to avoid
escalation of criticism, such as "get curious
not furious". Some "silver
bullets" to maximize agreement are shared.
The program includes a change in
languaging called "slight of mouth" to
turn conflict into chemistry. Frequently,
negative and possibly inflammatory remarks can be
reframed with positive, re-directing
questions. This causes a shift in energy and
more beneficial results.
Live! Wed. December 5, 2012 - January 2, 2013
Wed. October 10, 2012
Wed. November 7, 2012
Wed. December 5, 2012
Wed. January 2, 2013
Order all parts in the series for $84.95, a
$14.85 discount!
All WEBinars now 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.
To order some segments as you
$24.95 each
1. Conflict
To order, click
2. Conflict
To order, click
3. RID
To order, click
4. Quick
To order, click
Order all 4 below for $84.95, a $14.85 discount!
demand available
1 thru 4, Conflict |
Key Objectives
Note: For more detail on the key learning
objectives of the full course go to Conflicts