It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required. -- Sir Winston Churchill
Software QA SEries WEBinar
Parts 1 thru 4: Software
Abstract: This foundation WEBinar is designed for learning and understanding IT quality concepts. It provides an excellent overview of the entire IT quality professional area. It further provides a macro introduction of the quality assurance area by introducing and reviewing the principles expounded by leading quality experts.
This WEBinar series also addresses the important aspects to consider for those organizations that desire to properly organize their quality initiative for improved productivity and organizational integrity.
The participant will be introduced to the important quality principles, concepts, responsibilities and vocabulary, will conduct a brief quality management self-assessment, and will learn how to implement an IT quality program.
- Learning the fundamentals of software quality principles, concepts, responsibilities, and vocabulary.
- Each participant will conduct a brief quality management self-assessment.
- Provide a step-by-step process to implement an IT quality program.
- Learn where your organization is and where it wants to be in a quality function.
- Learn how to make it happen and where to start on the quality journey.
Part 1: Fundamentals of Quality
- Understand the definition of quality and what it means to your organization.
- Define Quality Assurance, Quality Control and understand the differences between the two.
- Understand how quality pioneers have defined the quality foundation for the industry.
- Learn the difference between processes & products.
- Learn quality foundation and concepts used in the quality industry.
Part 2: Principles of Quality
- Understanding who is responsible for Quality
- Discussion of examples of quality initiatives that work
- Description of roadblocks on the road to quality
- Description of Industry Models
Part 3: Making Quality Happen Intro
- How to define quality quantitatively, from both
a customer and producer view.
- Quality attributes, service level agreements,
and acceptance criteria
- Reviews and Inspections
- How to define the environment that is conducive
to achieve success.
- Effective quality infrastructures
Part 4: Making Quality Happen Final
- Understanding processes, managing using
processes, and how to understand and reduce
process variability.
- Workbenches, standards, and quality control.
- Managing by fact, measures versus metrics, and
impediments to measurement.
- Identifying defective processes, root causes of
problems, and how to improve processes.
Conducted Wed. September 7 -
December 7, 2011
All WEBinars now 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.
Recertification credits: 1.25 PDU (PMI)
Wed. September 7, 2011
Wed. October 5, 2011
Wed. November 2, 2011
Wed. December 7, 2011
To order some segments as you
$24.95 each
1. QA Fundamentals
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2. QA Principles
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3. Making Quality Happen 1
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4. Making Quality Happen 2
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Order all 4 below for $84.95, a $14.85 discount!
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1 thru 4, QA |
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