Process management series
Parts 1 through 4
This four-part series describes not only process
concepts, but also a complete process methodology and
management infrastructure, including deployment in the IT industry and other industries.
Part 1: Concepts and
Definitions: shows the importance of having
stabilized processes that can be replicated, and
important concepts and definitions.
Reducing the probability of poor quality is
Quality Management. Reducing the probability
of being late is Process Management. This
part correlates IT challenges and Management by
Process, including managing risk. Numerous
concepts and definitions are covered, including
the meaning of Policy, Standards, and Procedures.
Part 2: Methodology Overview and Planning:
shows a Process Management Methodology, both in
overview form and detail of the first phase,
process planning.
Roles and responsibilities of the Process
Management Team and Standards committee are
discussed, including major activities. A
4-step method for the first phase, process
planning, is described, including team formation,
inventorying, defining, and mapping processes, and
prioritizing those that need improvement.
Part 3: Process Definition, Control,
Deployment, and Updating:
describes the
remaining 2 phases of the 3 phase process
In the Definition and Control phase, you will
learn a 5 step sequence of activities, including
initiating process development, developing processes,
designing process control, building process control,
and gaining management approval. In the
Process Deployment and Updating phase, you will
learn a 2 step process for deploying, packaging,
executing, and updating processes.
Part 4: Process Infrastructure: describes how to
manage and deploy the process methodology.
This discussion includes building a process management infrastructure, using professional processes as a guide, and short-term process strategy
for implementation.
Are you confused about the "synonyms" of
policy, standards, and procedures? Are you puzzled
about which procedures to modify and which standards
to keep unchanged? Is your standards program
universally disrespected? Tired of processes
that are not followed or not practical? Mystified
about how to methodically build and maintain
Find out what it takes to brush these problems
aside, not simply with quick fixes and corrections,
but also with the thoroughness that only comes with a
great process connected to world-class concepts.
"Letting your customers set your standards is a dangerous game, because the race to the bottom is pretty easy to win. Setting your own standards--and living up to them--is a better way to profit. Not to mention a better way to make your day worth all the effort you put into it."
Seth Godin
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Recertification credits: 1.25 PDU (PMI)
Wed. September 2, 2009
Wed. October 7, 2009
Wed. November 4, 2009
Wed. December 2, 2009
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1. Concepts and Definitions
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2. Overview and
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3. Definition and
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1 thru 4, Process |
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