About Us
The Quality Connection is an international consulting firm that
consults and conducts
training programs, workshops, and online WEBinars. Our expertise is in behavior change. That means getting your
people to shift what they do to deliver different results. As you
know, that doesn’t happen in a 2 day seminar. We use advanced approaches from Neuro-linguistic Programming
(NLP) (NLP is a technology comprised
of a set of linguistic and observational tools) and other methodologies to pinpoint the changes that will make a
dramatic difference in your organization's performance, then teach
your team how to put them to work.
We help you do things better, faster, and cheaper, important
during these times when we must do more with less. By focusing
more on thinking than aimless doing, we "measure twice and
cut once" to eliminate the "ready, fire, aim"
approaches that are becoming far too common. No tail wagging the
dog here!
You can learn more about us by looking at Theresa's
and Steve's biographical vitae,
see customers for whom we have done
repeated work, and clients for whom
we have done process-oriented change work. To learn more
about our company, complete on one printable double-sided page,
check out our capabilities
For an electronic design automation company in Oregon, Steve showed members of a team a way of computing undiscovered requirements from existing missions and
processes, by utilizing a special matrix. One of those individuals applied these techniques for 30 minutes and saved the customer over $11,800,000.
For an attendee at one of our Project Management courses, Theresa "re-installed" the capability to visualize problems and
solutions the way she had been able to when she was younger, by
using coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) .
For a Fortune 100 company, Steve enabled staff to go forward and become the first winner of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the Service
category, by improving management quality skills in a weak area
For a member of a development team, Theresa clarified a vague "team building" objective to a specific
one using the Well Formed Outcomes technique: How to minimize conflict during a Joint Application Development session.
For a Federal Branch chief, Steve "installed" the capability for that person to think and interact generally when before they were only able to interact in detailed specifics, via coaching and NLP
(Neuro Linguistic Programming), thus improving communication with more senior managers.
For a National Government training organization, Theresa assembled the needed evidence to acquire ACE certification after the training organization had repeatedly failed to successfully do
this, by clarifying objectives and using instructional design
For a Federal Government agency, Steve and Theresa showed multiple teams how to successfully juggle substantially more
conflicting projects simultaneously than they had been able to achieve previously,
by utilizing specialized course techniques. The agency
reported major decreases in stress and overload, and that it
"saved" their group.
For a Federal International Trade Branch, Theresa and
Steve transferred the skills of top performing negotiators, by
profiling the patterns of top performers using the NLP
Metaprogram tool, the Language and Behavior Profile.
For a leading university specializing in Distance Online
learning, Theresa achieved major migrations between Learning Management Systems (WebCT and Angel), quality assured many troubled courses, and project managed a major design
effort, by her experience with instructional learning
technologies, formative, and summative analysis.
For a major banking Point of Sale conglomerate, Steve showed them how to substantially reduce testing and rework by doing the job right the first
time and using development process techniques.
For an enterprise resource software company, Theresa managed and qualified over 30 world-wide software certification
exams by assuring correct testing analysis techniques.
For both a Fortune 100 telecom and a major Federal Services
organization, Steve successfully built effective teams among previously ineffective
groups by utilizing NLP-based facilitation techniques.
For attendees at a number of programs, people have radically altered and improved their personal productivity in gathering requirements and juggling conflicting
priorities, by following Theresa's and Steve's advice.
For a Federal Government Agency, Theresa and Steve
took their requirements gathering process in a completely new
direction, from solution orientation to assuring the meeting of true customer needs, by implementing a 6-step requirements gathering process.
Major tools included a needs derivation based on mission
and information elicitation strategies.
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Bureau of the Census
Canada Ministry of Health
Canada Post Office HQ
Canada Department of Finance
Central Intelligence Agency
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Indiana State
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
National Computer Board, Singapore
National Security Administration (NSA)
New Brunswick Department of Finance
North Dakota Department of Human Resources
NY State Department of Tourism
NY State Gov. Office of Employee Relations
Office of Personnel Management
Texas State Comptroller's Office
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
USAFE Air Base Kaiserslautern, Germany
US Bureau of Public Debt
US Defense Logistics Agency
US Department of Agriculture HQ
US Department of Energy
US Department of Treasury
US General Services Administration
US Health Care Financing Administration HQ
US Marine Corps Finance Center
US Social Security Administration HQ
US Veteran's Administration HQ
Western Management Development Center
Industry Clients
Air India Bombay
Alexis Gill and Associates
Bank Administration Institute
Basin Electric Power
Chase Manhattan Bank
Cincinnati Bell Info. Systems
Citibank Card Services
Citibank Diner's Club
Citicorp POS Services
Citizens and Southern Bank
Clough, Harbour and Assoc.
Columbia Broadcast System
Computer Security Institute
Continental Insurance Co
Data Management Services
Data Processing Mgt. Assoc.
Denver QAI Chapter
Deutsche Bank
Drake University
Federal Express
Fluor Daniel
General Electric
Gulf Project Management Forum, Kuwait
Ericsson Malaysia
HBO and Company
Health Quest
Hewitt Associates
Infoscience Assoc., Singapore
Intecos India
Intel India
Jet Propulsion Laboratories
J. I. Case Co
Kansas City QAI Chapter
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co
Marine Midland Bank
Maryland Casualty Co
Massachusetts Mutual Ins. Co
Mentor Graphics
Mile Hi Church
Mitchell Mgt and Associates
Motorola Hong Kong
National Association of NLP
Nat. Life Ins. Co
Norton Co
Omaha QAI Chapter
Pacific Bell
Proctor and Gamble
Quality Assurance Institute (QAI) Global
QAI Worldwide
Schlumberger Perf./Testing Ctr
Shell Oil Co
Singapore Airlines
Singapore Institute of Mgt.
Southern Institute of NLP, Switzerland
Spring Hill of Ashby
Sprint United
Standard Charter Bank Singapore
Strait Management
The Continuum Company
Tata consultancy, India
Travtech (Traveler's Ins. Co)
U S West Communications
Unicom U.K.
United Data Systems
United Jersey Banks
US Fidelity and Casualty Co
Work In America Institute
Writer Construction Company
To create an environment in which quality of work is the
natural expression of each person's love of excellence. We create a world to which others want to belong.
The mission of The Quality Connection is to facilitate the
development of a belief system at all levels of the organization
that delivers product and service excellence beyond user
- We do business keeping family first.
- We practice quality principles in our organization (walk our
- We empower associates and employees, based on a value added relationship and a philosophy of no
- We believe that culture and belief system change are an essential element of
any quality organization.
- Customers are the focus of all that we do. We strive to create a healing environment to which everyone wants to
- Defects in products or services will be viewed as an error in process, or the work, not the
- When a decision involves a conflict between ethics and profits, ethics will rule. Integrity is never compromised.