QAI CSTE Exam Study WEBinar
The Quality Assurance Institute is now offering an online Live Virtual
Classroom (LVC). This
12-session Web-based Certifiefcd Software Tester Exam Study Course has been designed specifically to help the testing professional study and prepare for the CSTE examination.

View our introduction! Click
The CSTE Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) skill categories have been selected to address the challenges faced by today’s software testers. The Web-based CSTE Exam Study Course is a live, facilitated discussion and presentation of the ten CBOK skill categories. The course reinforces current knowledge, re-introduces concepts that may not be used everyday, explains the rationale for use, and highlights both multiple choice and essay type sample examination questions and responses.
It is recognized that many software testers do not need to be competent in all of the CBOK categories to fulfill their current job responsibilities. However, the CSTE candidate should have a working knowledge of the information in all skill categories and will be examined on all ten CBOK categories. This course provides a background of the IT testing fundamentals and also includes the more advanced concepts, which the Certified Software Tester must understand.
The completion of this course along with the necessary practical experience and related resource familiarity will help prepare the candidate for the CSTE examination. Due to time limitations, this course is not intended to cover every component of the CBOK in great depth.*
* Taking this course does not constitute, nor imply, the successful passing of the CSTE examination.
General Information
The CSTE LVC Price: $795 per attendee (Exam registration not included in price)
4th Quarter 2013
Sep - Nov, 2013
The course is composed of 12 sessions to help participants prepare for
the CSTEfc Certification exam. You will receive an e-mail reminder notice of the LVC
the day before each session. Each session will consist of Knowledge and
Essay exams to be taken online. Feedback will be provided. Most sessions
are weekly and are on Tuesdays.
View content of Certified Software Tester Exam Study Course.
View video sample
of a LVC.
View Instructor's Biography.
The purpose of this session is to go over the assignments and clear up any questions you may have.
Tuesday - Tutorial
The seminar leader will go over a series of slides and discuss the topics contained in the CBOK that are of importance to you.
Session 1
Tutorial: 11 AM - 12 PM USA Eastern Time
12 PM -1 PM Break
Tutorial: 1 PM - 2 PM USA Eastern Time
Session 2
Tutorial: 11 AM -12 PM USA Eastern Time
12 PM - 1:30 PM Break
Tutorial 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM USA Eastern Time
Sessions 3-12
Q&A Session: 11 AM - 11:30 AM USA Eastern Time
Tutorial: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM USA Eastern Time
A Web page has been created for this course, which will contain any downloads and assignments for the current
session. The link information will be provided to you by the instructor before the beginning of the class. Once posted, the information will remain on the site for the entire duration of the course. Check back often as items are added to the Web page frequently.
The CSTE LVC System Requirements: The video & audio segments of the LVCs are accessed independently. We will be using a system called Adobe Connect to conduct the video segment of the
LVC. You will NOT have to download any software.

Who Should Attend
Individuals who desire to reinforce their skills, knowledge, and capacity to understand the Certified Software
Tester Common Body of Knowledge in preparation for taking the CSTE certification examination.