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Yes, you can change your negotiating partners' sense of criteria, time, emotion, and  eligible parties


  • Negotiators
  • Trade Analysts
  • Trade Coordinators
  • Project Leaders, Team Leaders, Task Leaders
  • Project Team Members

Federal Competencies

  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Management 
  • Flexibility 
  • Interpersonal Skills 
  • Management Controls 
  • Management Integrity 
  • Planning and Evaluating 
  • Team Building 
  • Problem Solving


This seminar is based on the premise of having the most flexibility in your own position and presentation and using precise methods to move your negotiating partner off his or her position or argument, if he or she becomes entrenched.

If you're not interested in flexibility in how your present your arguments, do not attend this course. 

What you'll be able to do: 

  1. Preplan and strategize your "Negotiation Envelope." 
  2. Identify points of leverage with things you CAN change, for example in negotiations: In your offer/position; in their offer/position; in your strategy; in their strategy. 
  3. Flex the four negotiability determinants: criteria, time, emotional intensity, and number of eligible parties. 
  4. Pre-Prepare like a pro with a comprehensive understanding of the 3 P’s: Prepare, Probe, and Propose, and the big L, Listen.
  5. Not only start negotiations with the best proposal you could possibly start with, but also learn how to quickly make counterproposals using the "T.R.I." (Trade, Remove, and Increase)  method of making counterproposals. 
  6. Use a variety of language techniques to ensure that you and your negotiation partner don't drill down into a detailed area, and then possibly, get lost, missing the forest for the trees.  (These techniques are for expanding your choices)
  7. And conversely, you will learn specific language techniques to more precisely define choices. Even when both parties try to be specific, accurate, and detailed, parts of speech alone can reveal inaccuracies, and vagueness, to be pursued.

Basic Principles of Negotiation

The all-important "Negotiation Envelope" is first. The 3 important components are:

  • The opening position: your assertive first proposal on an issue. It involves a balancing act
  • Your target position: where you would like to end up on the issue
  • Your bottom line: the minimum you can accept on the issue 

Next are strategies for the discussions and negotiations themselves. These include conditional proposals, and avoiding awkward or tricky questions. 

Then comes, learning THE critical rules and knowing and practicing your "Krunches." (As I'm sure you're aware, a "Krunch" is a verbal or nonverbal call to action to your negotiating partner.)  

Finally, we'll cover knowing how and when to give concessions.

Advanced Principles of Negotiation

  1. Practice how to flex (the "four") negotiability determinants with your own "live" case studies (from work), things previously thought to be inflexible (even your opponents' determinants!): 
  • Criteria - Standards/Values that must be met 
  • Time - Amount of time in which transaction needs to be completed in order to AVOID problems or SERIOUS negative consequences 
  • Emotional intensity (Modalities), flex from: “I don’t care” to “I must have it or else” 
  • Number of eligible parties - The number of parties that are willing, able, and ready to satisfy the criteria – to “do the deed”
  1. Learn specific language techniques from the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to avoid getting bogged down in the detail or lost in the generalities, yours or theirs. 
  2. Build skill in the most overlooked, yet essential, skill in negotiations, making counterproposals.
  3. Learn 4 steps to use to BEFORE you present your ideas to skeptical persons and other hostile parties. 
  4. Master 3 precise tools to use when you present your ideas, positions, arguments, etc. to skeptics and stubborn individuals.
  5. Discover ways to maintain your "emotional" state so that you can remain resolute in your position and "R.I.D." yourself (Recognize, Identify, and Deflect) of emotional tactics, and respond perfectly well in the face of hostility and "dirty tricks" by your negotiating partners.
  6. Learn critical default language patterns and influencing language to motivate your negotiating partner via Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
  7. Understand specifically how to probe your partner for essential information and with finesse by learning alternatives to direct questions.
  8. Modify your negotiating partners' beliefs using a whole slew of advanced methods (via Neuro-Linguistic Programming) represented by the acronym "CHANGE REALITY," which stands for:

Chunk up/chunk down

Hierarchy of values

Another outcome

Negative consequences

Generate a metaphor

Enter a counter example


Redefine the outcome

Effect cause and effect

Apply to self

Life equivalents


Time and 

Your map of reality                   

The seminar length varies depending on how much time you'd like to spend on basic versus advanced topics. Since "telling ain't teaching," performance results improve with staggered engagement of the material in at least two (2) different seminars over a 2 month period, with yes, (groan), a lot of homework between the two (2) sessions. (We do this so that your organization gets the biggest result for its' money. We believe in making learners accountable!)  

Available on site only, please call.

1/2 Day Executive Brief
1 to 2-Day Executive/Management
2 to 4-Day Management/Individual Contributor Outfitting
plus 1-Day Navigating The Obstacle Course Coaching©

What you get: 

  • Detailed surveying and optional interviewing of participants for course tailoring
  • Additional program on handling conflict and convincing strategies 
  • Substantial morning, daytime, noon, and evening individual Navigating The Obstacle Course Coaching©
  • Free digital CD: All PowerPoint slides plus full audio transcript from prior seminars, or if in-house, your own seminar will be recorded
  • Detailed seminar workbook
  • Follow-on WEBinars to integrate performance on the job

Sample Results:

For a Federal International Trade Branch, Theresa and Steve transferred the skills of top performing negotiators, by profiling the patterns of top performers using the NLP Metaprogram tool, the Language and Behavior Profile.

Quality \conn\, To conduct or direct the steering of; the control exercised by one who steers a vessel 

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