Persuading & INfluencing
How to Convince A Skeptic
Abstract: Have you ever had to deal with an individual who is difficult
to persuade or hard to convince? This WEBinar will cover the underlying principles of
skepticism, two key paradigms when dealing with skeptics, and
three vitally important critical tests to run on your
message BEFORE you give it.
Words that Change Minds
Getting Results with People via
Verbal Behavioral Analysis
Abstract: Learn the question to ask, how to detect the patterns in ordinary
conversations, what each person needs to get interested or excited
about something and conversely, what would turn them off.
Assembling the Right Team
Abstract: More than 50% of project managers have
trouble getting the right people. 46% report that they’re
reduced to “taking whoever is offered.” 6% report having to spend valuable time
“fighting for the best people.” Despite these dismal
73% believe that they are held personally responsible
for the ultimate success or failure of their project.
Encouraging Sponsor Support
Abstract: How can you identify and use the
convincing strategies of key executives and sponsors? What's
a "convincing strategy?" (This is only part of what you'll learn.) How about how to distinguish between commitment
and involvement?