Building a world class organization
Leadership: Achieving World-Class Status
This 1-2 day program shows quality managers, executives, and change agents
how to identify, then build, a world class organization. Designed to work
in concert with in-depth quality training and Baldrige Criteria
training. You'll do exercises demonstrating world-class thinking and activities.
You'll explore examples of organizations achieving world-class status in product
and legendary service quality. And grasp where you are, where you are going, and how to get
What you'll be able to do:
- Focus to move toward world-class quality
- Define missions and visions to establish where
you are going
- Apply the fundamentals of benchmarking, and what Baldrige examiners are looking
- Plan for deployment rather than only approaching via strategic and tactical
- Change knowledge and belief systems, as required
- Using paradigm shifts to achieve greatness
- Remove obstacles to
making these shifts
- Use breakthrough thinking and unusual creative departures
The Bottom Line
The ideal participant to this course will have an in-depth knowledge
of quality practices and principles, as well as Baldrige criteria, or
will learn these principles shortly after course completion. The outcome
is belief systems change related to what it takes to become world-class.