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Our partner: QAI Global InstutteA project is complete when it starts working for you, rather than you working for it. -Scott Allen

Behavioral ProjectRegister Now
Management WEBinar

Part 3 of 5: Influencing Others

Abstract: The WEBinar shows how to work one-on-one, properly influencing team members, other managers, and project schedules, budgets, and scope. 

This year, our focus will be first on Technical Project Management, then on Behavioral Project Management, based on the course and the book, Managing Projects Well written by the speaker.  This unique approach focuses on the real world of projects, not theory.  

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.  In practice, there is" - Yogi Berra

Part 3: Influencing Others: shows how to work one-on-one, properly influencing team members, other managers, and project schedules, budgets, and scope.

This includes:

  • Building rapport - This must happen first.
  • Filter categories - How your boss filters information.
  • Significant others - Who your boss listens to and how to become one.
  • Managerial communication styles - Matching the styles of expressive, amicable, analytical, and driver people.
  • Perceptual positions - Your own view, the view of others, and the fly on the wall.
  • Walking in other's shoes - How to do it well.

Conducted  Wed. December 1, 2010

Register Now 

Want both remaining live and On Demand WEBinars in the series for less than 2 live WEBinars alone:  $89.95, a $29.95 discount? Click Here. You can also get individual past WEBinars in the series on that page.

Want to get Part 1? Click Here.

Want to get Part 2? Click Here.

Want to get Part 4? Click Here.

Want to get Part 5? Click Here.

Want to order the past On Demand series on Technical Project Management? Click Here.

Especially for series registrants: Ordering the book is recommended, but not required.

To register for the December WEBinar only:

All WEBinars now 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.

On Demand DVD now available when ordered along with recording below.  To add this to your order, click here first or learn more.

"On Demand" recording $24.95


About the speaker: 
Stephen A. Bender, PMP, CSQA, CSTE, CQE

Steve Bender, President of The Quality Connection, is a management consultant, past Senior Examiner for New York State's Excelsior Award, and veteran in Quality Assurance. He holds Bachelor's (BSEE, '69) and Master's (MSCS, '71) degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and was listed in The Yearbook of Authorities, Experts, and Spokespersons and is a Life Member of the International Registry of Who's Who. He has participated in numerous areas in information technology, service, manufacturing, human resources, executive management, and strategic management consulting. With extensive experience in Total Quality Management and rapid culture change added to over 30 years in Information Systems, his interactive style is known to thousands of attendees.  more->

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Don't forget: New WEBinar system! View WEBinar Preparation movie and WEBinar orientation movie via broadband, and WEBinar pre-conditioning test now available 24/7.

Be sure your PC, browser cache, spam blocker, and server firewall are pre-conditioned.  On Demand link is available for 7-14 days after order only and includes downloadable audio and Powerpoints.  Click on WEBinar preparation now.  See our Customer Satisfaction and Return Policy for terms.  Address other questions via our "Frequently Asked Questions" and our WEBinars and Resources as needed.

Recertification credits: 1.25 PDU (PMI).  No CPE recertification credits for QAI except for live WEBinars.




Quality \conn\, To conduct or direct the steering of; the control exercised by one who steers a vessel 

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