A project is complete when it starts working for you, rather than you working for it.
-Scott Allen
Behavioral Project
Part 1 of
5: Managing your Time
Abstract: The WEBinar shows a new model of handling your time, how it is wasted, and how to improve your personal productivity.
This year, our focus will be first on Technical
Project Management, then on Behavioral Project
Management, based on the course
and the book,
Managing Projects Well written by the
speaker. This unique approach focuses on the
real world of projects, not theory.
"In theory, there is no difference between
theory and practice. In practice, there is"
- Yogi Berra
Part 1: Managing your time: shows a new model
of handling your time, how it is wasted, and how to
improve your personal productivity.
This includes:
- Identifying time management strengths and needs:
complete a self-assessment of what works well and
what could be improved, with an action plan for
- Logging your time and handling it differently:
Note not only where your time goes, but also how
to use it more effectively.
- Importance vs. urgency: Spend much more of your
time on important things, and run your world. In
95% of companies, the world runs you instead.
- Time wasters and changing bad habits: Dump,
delegate, and disband counterproductive bad
- Structuring your day and juggling projects:
Measure twice, cut once. Handle higher volume of
unrelated projects, and structure your day,
doubling your personal productivity.
- Mega tasks and mini projects: Plan your G
O R A T E: Goals,
Opportunities, Resources, Activities,
Timetable, Evaluation. Handle
"Tasks" too large to be
"tasks" and to small to be formal
Wed. October 6,
Want to get Part 2? Click
Want to get Part 3? Click
Want to get Part 4? Click
Want to get Part 5? Click
Want to order the past On Demand series on
Technical Project Management? Click
Especially for series registrants: Ordering the book
is recommended, but not required.
To register for the October WEBinar only:
All WEBinars now 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.
Demand DVD now available when ordered along with
recording below. To add this to your order, click
here first or learn
Demand" recording |