"There's no sense being exact about something if you don't even know what you're talking about. " -- John von Neumann
Requirements Series WEBinar
Part 2: Identifying Business Needs, In-Depth
Abstract: This WEBinar series
shows a 6-step process for gathering, analyzing, and
checking business requirements in a more defect free
This WEBinar outlines the steps that a User would use
to identify Requirements.
Part 2: Identifying Business Needs, In-Depth
Great for Users and Business Analysts!
- Part 1 of the model
- Identifies business needs
- Delivers user statement of requirements
- Intensively involves users of the product
- Includes 10 tools, including Mission Discovery, Existing Process Discovery,
User Process Charts, Map Translation, Problem Statement,
Ambiguity Tests, and more...
How often have you heard, "I'll know it when I see it"?
This WEBinar will go deeper into the strategies and tools
used in Step 1 of the High Quality Requirements Model. Step 1
is perhaps the most important phase of the requirements
gathering process.
The deliverable
and essential tools of this crucial step in requirements gathering including
those as shown in the following chart, lay the foundation for
the success or failure of project plans:
Step |
Phase |
Deliverable |
Tools |
1 |
Business Needs |
User Statement
of Reqts |
Process Charts
Problem Statement
Reqts User List
Critical Success Factors
Problem Stmt
User Stmt of Reqts |
The High Quality Requirements Model is a 6 step
requirements gathering process useful for end users, business
analysts, and developers. By means of its structure, it
automatically assures mission-based, needs-based requirements
that are not solutions-driven.
Some of The 10 tools of Step 1
Mission Discovery
Method to clarify and refine mission of customer pertinent
to focus topic.
Existing Process Discovery
Method to uncover existing processes (or lack thereof)
pertinent to focus topic.
User Process Charts
Method to uncover missing and/or inadequate relationship
between mission and existing process.
Map Translation
Method to receive and resolve many different views (maps) of
the Step 1 process.
Problem Statement
Method to find requirements by finding and tracing back to
true business needs all problems that are known and can be
Ambiguity Tests
Methods to achieve clarity and accuracy in communications and
representation (documentation) of requirements.
and more...
This WEBinar series describes how to prevent
requirements defects and how to gather those
requirements more accurately. Complete
information on the full course on requirements can be
found here.
April 4, 2012
Want to catch up with part 1? Click
Want to catch up with part 3? Click
Want to catch up with part 4? Click
Please insure all payment and registration
name, phone, and email addresses are those of the attendee, even if
the cardholder is different. Why?
All WEBinars now 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.
Demand DVD now available when ordered along with
recording below. To add this to your order, click
here first or learn
Demand" recording |
Key Objectives
Note: For more detail on the key learning objectives of the
full course go to Requirements