The Quality Connection
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repeat customers

The following are companies that have requested repeat programs and consulting. 

Adirondack Beverage

ADP Dealer Resources


Aptec, India

Association for Quality and Participation

Basin Electric Power corp

Bureau of the Census

C G Trust Co, Canada

Chase Manhattan Bank


Clough Harbour and Associates

Continuum Corp

Defense Logistics Agency

Department of Finance, Canada

Deutsche Bank Singapore, USA

Dick Matthews and company



Federal Express

Flour Daniel

GE R + D center

George Writer Homes

Government Services Administration (GSA)

Governor's Office of Employee Relations

HBO Corp
Health Care Financing Administration


Hong Kong Productivity Council

Intecos, India

J I Case

Jet Propulsion Laboratories

Johnson and Johnson

Management Development Institute, Singapore

Marine Midland Bank

Mass Mutual

Mentor Graphics

Metropolitan Life

Ministry of Health, Canada

Motorola Singapore

National Computer Board, Singapore



Off Track Betting, NY

Office of Personnel Management

Pacific Bell

Quality Assurance Institute


Seagrams, Malaysia


Singapore Airlines

Singapore Institute of Management

Social Security Administration

Sprint United

Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore

Tata Consultancy, India

Treasury Department

U S West

USAF Europe


Veterans Administration

Western Management Development Center

Massachusetts Mutual

Quality \conn\, To conduct or direct the steering of; the control exercised by one who steers a vessel 

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