The Macho Test
you (or your colleagues) Macho? Find out right away! Only 10 easy
(by Shelle Rose Charvet, used with permission:
For each number, select the choice that most closely matches what
you would do in that situation. Click below to compute your total
The Macho Factor Quiz Answer Sheet
Here's a definition of "Macho."
Most anyone can become
"Macho" under the right conditions, in certain contexts. When a person becomes
"Macho," they operate as if they believe the following:
They already know everything there is to know
They do not have any problems
They and everything connected with them are perfect
If there are problems, they are of someone else's making
They are better, higher, more important, and more knowledgeable than anyone else
How the scoring for the Macho Factor
quiz works:
For each question, for every
a): count 4 points
b): 3 points
c): 2 points
d): 1 point
30-40 total points = Mega Macho
20-29 points = Mainly Macho
15-19 points = Mini Macho
0-14 points = Macho Free
Mega Macho: Others may have to treat you with kid gloves. You
may tend to sabotage your own learning by not taking in information from the
Mainly Macho: You might often be bull-headed with others but will eventually listen to reason.
Mini Macho: Occasionally you will get your dander up with certain individuals who seem to "set you off", but for the most part you don't need to be the biggest, the best or the center of attention.
Macho Free: You are open to new ideas, even if they are not your own and are willing to celebrate others' creativity and success.
For more information on the Macho
Pattern, check out our WEBinars
How to Convince a Skeptic and Words
that Change Minds.
Many thanks to Shelle Rose Charvet at
for the questions and answers to the Macho test; used with