Based on the book
Managing Projects Well,
by Stephen A. Bender, PMP, CSQA,
CSTE, and
You see the forest and
the trees.
Our training is based on our own research by
The Quality Connection, and research conducted by both The
Project Management Institute (PMI) and The Quality Assurance
Institute (QAI), two leading-edge, professional
associations of project managers and software quality
masters. Our finding and the finding of these institutes
indicate that a few things such as communication,
relationship building, time management, meeting management,
team building and requirements gathering, account for not a
little, but a full 95 percent of project success.
What's included in the package?
Detailed surveying and optional interviewing of participants for course tailoring
5 day intensive seminar (ends by noon of last day)
Evening program on project scheduling, working with contractors, and project risk
Evening program on handling conflict and convincing strategies
Substantial morning, daytime, noon, and evening individual coaching
Detailed seminar workbook
A copy of the author's book, Managing Projects Well
Free audio CD: Stress Prevention Technique
Free digital CD: All PowerPoint slides plus full audio transcript from prior seminars
Global web log website access for information sharing among past participants
Airport transportation and transit to evening recreational events
High quality lodging in seminar hotel with 3 gourmet buffet meals daily
Theresa A. Morris, NLP Practitioner
Theresa Morris, MA Instructional Technologies, is an educational consultant, past Senior Instructional Design and Evaluation Consultant and past senior revenue agent for the Treasury Department. She has participated in numerous areas in instructional design and training evaluation, including the management of front-end, formative, and summative course evaluation, training certification, web-based training, and computer-based testing. She designed and implemented certification procedures for certification exams given world-wide. She was responsible for the successful ACE Certification for the Management Certification Program for the Western Management Development Center (WMDC).
Theresa's skills go far beyond the subject matter at hand and fully embrace high quality coaching using NLP to change behaviors and beliefs as requested by participants.
For example, one woman had lost the ability to visualize problems and solutions the way she had when she was younger. Theresa "re-installed" this capability.
Another man felt defeated and dejected after a continuous barrage of emotional abuse of two peers. Using NLP, Theresa updated his response so that became their problem, not his.
In addition, Theresa has help participants focus in more strongly on their true needs and expectations from the course. One woman thought her need was "managing multiple projects in series and parallel" and it turned out to really be "Developing a structure for closing projects in a timely manner." Another man came in wanting "team building" and, after Theresa's assistance, was really after "consensus in decision making." Even more amazing was the person who wanted "conflict management skills" who found out the true need was "dealing with scope creep."
Partial List of Clients
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Bureau of the Census
Canada Ministry of Health
Canada Post Office HQ
Canada Department of Finance
Central Intelligence Agency
Department of Homeland Security
Environmental Protection Agency
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Indiana State
Internal Revenue Service
National Computer Board, Singapore
New Brunswick Department of Finance
North Dakota Department of Human Resources
NY State Department of Tourism
NY State Gov. Office of Employee Relations
Office of Personnel Management
Texas State Comptroller's Office
Transportation Security Administration
USAFE Air Base Kaiserslautern, Germany
US Bureau of Public Debt
US Defense Logistics Agency
US Department of Agriculture HQ
US Department of Energy
US Department of Treasury
US General Services Administration
US Health Care Financing Administration HQ
US Marine Corps Finance Center
US Social Security Administration HQ
US Veteran's Administration HQ
Western Management Development Center
Private Industry
Air India Bombay
Bank Administration Institute
Basin Electric Power
Chase Manhattan Bank
Cincinnati Bell Info. Systems
Citibank Card Services
Citibank Diner's Club
Citicorp POS Services
Citizens and Southern Bank
Clough, Harbour and Assoc.
Columbia Broadcast System
Computer Security Institute
Continental Insurance Co
Data Management Services
Data Processing Mgt. Assoc.
Deutsche Bank
Drake University
Federal Express
Fluor Daniel
General Electric
Ericsson Malaysia
HBO and Company
Health Quest
Hewitt Associates
Infoscience Assoc., Singapore
Intecos India
Jet Propulsion Laboratories
J. I. Case Co
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co
Marine Midland Bank
Maryland Casualty Co
Massachusetts Mutual Ins. Co
Mentor Graphics
Mitchell Mgt and Associates
Motorola Hong Kong
National Association of NLP
Nat. Life Ins. Co
Norton Co
Pacific Bell
Proctor and Gamble
Quality Assurance Institute
Schlumberger Perf./Test Ctr
Shell Oil Co
Singapore Airlines
Singapore Institute of Mgt.
Southern Institute of NLP, Switzerland
Spring Hill of Ashby
Sprint United
Standard Charter Bank Singapore
The Continuum Company
Tata consultancy, India
Travtech (Traveler's Ins. Co)
U S West Communications
United Data Systems
United Jersey Banks
US Fidelity and Casualty Co
Work In America Institute
You wouldn't want your
to FAIL,
would you?

The author’s research over a 10-year period
found technical
factors were listed
rarely out of hundreds of reasons.
All other times, people and
behavioral factors were the principal cause.

The seminar, Managing Projects Well, has in-depth coverage of the following
items which we include here for your convenience as we're sure you
already know of these issues paramount to avoiding project failure.
answers to the real questions

of project management:
Ever wonder if you have the right project management "axe" and feel like
maybe your organization is chopping down the wrong tree, maybe even in the wrong forest?
Why do I keep getting handed ultimatums from my
PMs? I want alternatives, not objections and ultimatums.
Ever wonder why projects go way off scope and
budget when led by talented technical project managers?
Why don't they teach you how projects really work in Project Management School?
I have multiple projects, managing some, a team member of others. All my training assumes I am a project manager only, doing no detail tasks, for just 1 project. How do I cope?
I am a senior manager, and I am tired of my project managers, functional managers, and team members at war with each other in my matrix organization. What do I do?
How do I significantly influence other senior people who do not work for me? I need buy-in and resources and budget - right now!
I need to know the behavioral science of projects. Not soft communications skills, but hard science and proven methods. Where do I turn?
I've built the perfect project, and yet sometimes a defective product or the perfect product for the wrong customer. How can I prevent this?
How do I more than double my personal productivity?
I am going nuts - How do I not only manage my time, but also my life? I need to be de-stressed.
Can you help me with a rapid way of deflecting unwarranted criticism, and a proven method for resolving conflict?
How do I turn yesterday's deadbeats into tomorrow's key producers?
I hate micromanagers, and yet I see I am drawn to that
tendency. How do I avoid that trap?
All exceptional managers like to be well managed by their people. How do I manage my boss?
If you're curious...
...you may wish to consider
The Managing Projects Well
...which includes the following detailed
Definition of projects and roles of team members and project managers.
My team is acting like a team
I'm demonstrating the appropriate response to exception reporting
The right people are doing
the estimating
people have walked in my shoes.
We've all walked in our customers' shoes. Also: What
is a project, what is not a project, examples, delegation.
Doing the thing right: Project Quality
I've analyzed how quality
gets squeezed. I've
calculated the cost of poor quality. Also: Technical
TQM overview, its relationship to projects, moments of magic and
misery, why projects fail, why quality is squeezed, quality
technical definitions, cost of (poor) quality.
Includes exercises, detailed case study.
Technical and behavioral project pressures
I've worked the
schedule forward, having gotten it backwards from my boss and my
bosses' boss. Also:
role of tools, technical overview, steps we often skip, what makes the difference.
Technical project management review
My best people are on the
critical path. My trainees are off the critical path.
What a relief, I only have to worry about 3 or 4 things at the
most... Also: planning,
estimating, and control. Work
breakdown structures. Scheduling.
Terms. Critical
path diagramming, purpose in a human system.
Manual computation exercise, group team planning exercise.
Getting your own house in order
My people don't waste my
time. I structure my day to
what's most beneficial to me. Also: personal strengths and needs, a new way to log and plan
time, time wasters, changing bad habits right away, urgent vs.
important, how to restructure your day, doubling your productivity.
General planning model for small projects.
Multiple drill and practice, and exercises.
A specific daily technique.
Handling change, dealing with the unexpected, and making the best first impression
I'm aware that the message
sent is not always the message received and I take steps to make
sure communications remain clear.
I recognize the best time to measure change.
Also: key allies, critical mass of
support, dealing with reaction, making improvements.
Stress management
My people take the initiative to get what needs to be done, gets
done. I get the
"monkey" off my back. Also: two
ways of preventing it in the first place, two ways of correcting it if
it is too late. Changing
micromanagement. Thorough
progressive relaxation response, alternative quick anti-stress
method, drill, and practice.
Getting other's houses in order: Working with others - one on one
I can present things in a
way that others can best take in the information because I know how
to analyze their "input" factors and I match my output to
their input. I've got a
method to convince my boss I know what I'm talking about. Also:
building rapport, the secret
message, walking in other's shoes comprehensively, how to manage
your boss, relationship strategies, matching communication styles,
substantial exercises, and practice.
Written communication quality
Biggest offenders and antidotes.
Working with others - groups - meetings and presentation effectiveness
My people know how to run
meetings effectively. We
don't waste our time in worthless meetings.
I understand the importance of defining the problem and voicing
assumptions that way everyone understands what we're doing. Also:
the power of metaphors, team dynamics and dysfunctions and remedies.
Handling conflict, dealing with criticism
I use the language
of influence to get heard. I have a procedure that helps me convince
even the most skeptical.
I'm immune to criticism. There is no failure, only feedback. Also:
alternatives; conflict management method, and
Doing the right thing: creativity techniques and requirements gathering
I know how to detect, test,
and remove ambiguities in project requirements so we don't waste
time in unwanted activity. I avoid the hazards of closed-ended questions and
interviews. I use strategy
to elicit requirements correctly. Also:
role of creativity even in technical areas.
Effective staffing and work, and motivation
I understand that I
can't motivate anyone.
I assign my staff correctly because I understand that the work
motivates others, not me, and I know how to make that work for me,
rather than against me. Also: who motivates
What makes this seminar unique?
This seminar is different in the following ways:
addresses practice, not theory
emphasizes why projects fail (the human connection) and related
Includes extensive behavioral exercises
Contains techniques to rapidly change your own methods and behaviors
Involves team members as well as project managers
Covers multiple projects, non-project time, and juggling
Limits technical content to 10-15% of time (network diagrams,
estimating, etc.)
Includes content on project quality, requirements, and internal
coaching and deployment
seminar Objectives
At the end of this seminar and activities, you will be able to:
Know how projects work in the real world, performing new roles for leadership and team members
Do the Thing Right using Quality, prevention-based techniques, and cutting out poor Cost of Quality
Manage your time and time of others, increase productivity, and correct bad habits quickly
Handle change, help others with change, and inspire change in others who don't report to you
Handle and prevent stress, handle criticism and resolve conflict
Be a model for others via exceptional team dynamics and motivation
Develop preferred staffing, tasks, estimates, and network diagrams even with dictated schedules and budgets
Juggle multiple projects and non-project time, leave a "back door" and turn on a dime when things go wrong
Do the Right Thing using creativity and improve the accuracy of project scope requirements
Develop a specific work plan and continued self-coaching to put all this into the workplace
According to the Project Management Institute (PMI)*, 90% of a Project Manager’s job is communication which is almost 90% of this seminar. Based on the famous book and taught by the author, Stephen A. Bender, this powerful hands-on seminar teaches what you need to know both to effectively run projects and to staff them as a team member. Since this seminar is based on the real world of projects, it explores practice, not theory. Real reasons for project success and failure are discussed, with practical solutions. You are taught specific powerful Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to rapidly change your own methods and behaviors in the way in which you choose. Well known around the world for its pragmatic, interactive approach, this intensive seminar experience is a favorite for seasoned project managers and team members alike, as well as those just starting the journey.
You demand perfection.
This intensive seminar on Project Management
teaches you what you “need to know” to either lead or be
members of a project team.
This highly unusually workshop discusses the “real world” of projects. Perhaps it should be subtitled: “What they don’t teach you in Project Management School.”
*This seminar is not specifically designed as an examination prep course for the PMI certified project manager PMP exam. It is possible to become certified and still not have the real-world actual experience needed to navigate today's projects. However, many of the principles, teachings, and experiences required to become a PMP are intrinsic to this seminar.
PMI expert in India: "What you share is actually what we need to do, and we are not doing
PMI multi-week course graduate: "I know you said this course was principally non-technical. However, technically, I learned more about how to schedule using networks in 4 hours than I ever did with PMI in several
Multiple graduates: "This is the finest seminar and learning experience I have had at anytime,
"I am usually happy if I can bring back just one thing. Now, there are at least 30 great things I want to
"I came here because I was forced to come, by my boss. I was convinced this would waste my time, and I came pre-disposed to learning nothing. I have to admit, I gained quite a few things, and I intend to use them."
Stephen A. Bender,
Steve Bender, President of The Quality Connection, is a management consultant, past Senior Examiner for New York State's Excelsior Award, and veteran in Quality Assurance. He is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Software Quality Analyst (CSQA), and Certified Quality Examiner (CQE). He holds Bachelor's (BSEE, '69) and Master's (MSCS, '71) degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and is listed in The Yearbook of Authorities, Experts, and Spokespersons and is a Life Member of the International Registry of Who's Who. He has participated in numerous areas in information technology, service, manufacturing, human resources, executive management, and strategic management consulting. With extensive experience in Total Quality Management and rapid culture change added to over 30 years in Information Systems, his interactive style is known to thousands of attendees.
He has been an active seminar leader and keynote speaker for a number of associations, institutes, State and Federal Governments, and numerous personal, professional, and business organizations throughout the world. Steve has conducted seminars throughout the USA, and in Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Canada, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and India; Steve chaired the PEOPLE track for the Quality Assurance Institute's National Conference, and was also a member of their Board of Advisors. He had been selected to join a delegation of Americans to discuss quality before the Soviet Union and Belgium, as part of the Citizen's Ambassador Program chaired by President Reagan. In addition, he has chaired the Total Quality for Financial Services Excellence conference in New York City. He actively teaches and consults in the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) before a number of Fortune 500 companies. His work includes quality awareness and assessment, human resource development (culture change) for TQM, emotional intelligence, and preparation for The Baldrige Quality Award.
He has edited and contributed material for books on testing, standards, human resources, computer assessment of mutual funds, and written for Government and Computer News, the QAI Journal, Industry Week, the Journal of Quality and Participation, the Capital District Business Review, Anchor Point, and others. He has written for Productivity SA of South Africa, and had been invited there to improve corporate quality for those wishing to end Apartheid. He is author of How to Achieve a Total Quality Life, a nationally advertised Audio Tape series on the relationship between quality of personal and professional life (seen on CNN, Lifetime, and Channel America). He also authored the book Managing Projects Well, on "What they don't teach you in project management school."
He is the only one in the world jointly certified as a Certified Software Quality Analyst, and a Certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), for which he is also active in counselling and coaching.