on demand WEBinar preparation 

What is a WEBinar?

This page includes the following for On Demand WEBinars: 

  • recommended tests
  • configuration instructions

Preparation steps

  1. Confirm that your system meets requirements
  2. Assure you have Flash 8 or higher installed via Flash version check (if needed, uninstall then install Flash
  3. Be sure you can get emails from us; which emails?
  4. Be sure you can connect and download from certain websites
  5. We recommend running and viewing the beginning of the WEBinar Preparation movie to prove access
  6. (To preview the sample page you will get with the link you get with your On Demand order, and your options, look at the Sample On Demand Page)

Quality \conn\, To conduct or direct the steering of; the control exercised by one who steers a vessel 

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